HAWE Tech Podcast (English)

HAWE Tech Podcast - Motor voltages of hydraulic power units (Episode 35)

HAWE Hydraulik Episode 35

Other countries have different mains voltages - and then there are also different mains frequencies. And then there are 1-phase and 3-phase. Hydraulic power units have to work with these challenges all over the world.

In the 35th episode of the HAWE Tech Podcast, our host Ralph has Product Manager Doğan as a guest. They talk about what needs to be considered when selecting hydraulic power units with regard to motor voltage.

👉 More episodes of the HAWE Tech Podcast: https://www.hawe.com/company/news/hawe-tech-podcast/

📋 Further information about this podcast 📋
Product Finder: https://www.hawe.com/products/product-finder/hydraulic+power+packs/