HAWE Tech Podcast (English)

HAWE Tech Podcast - Condition Monitoring in hydraulic compact units (Episode 46)

HAWE Hydraulik Episode 46

To ensure the operational readiness of a hydraulic power unit, it makes sense to continuously monitor the most important parameters.

In the 46th episode of the HAWE Tech Podcast, our host Ralph is joined by Product Manager Doğan. They discuss how pressure, temperature, and fill level can be measured to monitor not just the power unit but the entire hydraulic system.

👉 More episodes of the HAWE Tech Podcast: https://www.hawe.com/company/news/hawe-tech-podcast/

📋 Further information about this podcast 📋
Compact hydraulic power pack type INKA 1: https://productfinder.hawe.com/downloads/D8132_1-en.pdf

To the german episode of the HAWE Tech Podcast:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3drgbnFlCJUvUbPLXYTh0N?si=rBa0Raw6SUOQKIHqzrEplA

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/hawe-tech-podcast-condition-monitoring-in-kompaktaggregaten/id1789576220?i=1000683343416