HAWE Tech Podcast (English)
The HAWE Tech Podcast informs you regularly about hydraulic applications and technical highlights. Best practice examples from industrial and mobile hydraulics and insights into our products included.
HAWE Tech Podcast (English)
HAWE Tech Podcast - Hydraulics in wind turbines (Episode 47)
Wind turbines are becoming increasingly important for energy generation. Hydraulic systems play a key role in performing critical functions in these systems.
In the 47th episode of the HAWE Tech Podcast, our host Ralph talks to Key Market Manager Andreas. They discuss which tasks are performed hydraulically today and what special requirements need to be considered.
π More episodes of the HAWE Tech Podcast: https://www.hawe.com/company/news/hawe-tech-podcast/
π Further information about this podcast π
Wind power: https://www.hawe.com/applications/energy/wind-power/
To the german episode of the HAWE Tech Podcast:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ILZ2WPh8gSBm7GBcxwGFJ?si=1YH5Gt_gRy-7Ap3WNGurOA
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/hawe-tech-podcast-hydraulik-in-windenergieanlagen-episode/id1789576220?i=1000683343490